The new model of zoo

The strategic plan
This plan evolves the communication of the Barcelona Zoo so that it is transformative. It shifts the weight of communication to conservation and research and provides assessment tools to diagnose any communication decision. The plan provides specific, tangible, and robust tools to meet the needs of different Zoo audiences. The goal is to transform everyone from the youngest to the oldest to make conservation a priority.
In that context, animals become the tip of the iceberg of communication. The zoo's collection is at the service of a social function that has to do with the deep knowledge of animals, their ecosystems, and, ultimately, the global sustainability of nature.
Sahel Project
This new communicative direction is determined in the basic project of the Sahel, which raises the Zoo as a museum establishment in which animals become the means for a communicative and socially ambitious function that can come to justify captivity when related to an educational and social project perfectly defined, executed and evaluated.
The public no longer visits lions, gazelles, or giraffes but visits the Sahel where animals live together and where the visitor becomes an active part of the conservation of the ecosystem or its degradation. The project includes all the conceptualization of the visit to the Sahel and provides an unprecedented direction in all zoos in Europe, bringing it closer to the science museum.